How to lose your belly fat?

After the rainy season ends, summer will soon come. Summer is hot and sweaty, so people tend to think that it's easy to lose weight, but in fact, summer is also the season that makes it easy to gain weight. Lack of exercise and an unbalanced diet can easily lower your basal metabolism, and if you're not careful, you'll quickly become "summer fat."

It's easy to gain weight in the summer "quickly"

After the unsettled rainy season is over, summer will soon begin in earnest. It is easy to think that summer is the season when it is easy to lose weight because of the high temperature and sweat, but did you know that it is the season when it is easy to gain weight?

In the summer, there is not much difference between the body temperature and the outside temperature, and the need to burn fat to create heat to maintain the body temperature is low, so the "basal metabolism", which is the number of calories the body naturally consumes, decreases.

If your basal metabolism slows down, you will take in more calories than you burn, so if you neglect your daily exercise or have an unbalanced diet, you will easily gain weight.

What is the cause of "summer fatness"?

In addition, it is said that the disturbance of the autonomic nervous system is one of the main causes of "summer weight gain “When the body repeatedly feels sudden changes in temperature by going back and forth between hot outdoors and cool indoors, it becomes difficult to regulate body temperature smoothly, and the autonomic nervous system is easily disturbed

In addition, people often refrain from going out and exercising to avoid the heat in the summer. Muscles account for about 20% of your basal metabolism, so if you lose muscle mass due to lack of exercise, your basal metabolism will also decrease accordingly. This will reduce your calorie consumption and make your body more likely to accumulate body fat.

Obesity is the root of many diseases

Due to the influence of female hormones, women tend to have more subcutaneous fat than visceral fat. On the other hand, a moderate amount of subcutaneous fat plays an essential role in storing energy and mitigating external shocks. In addition, subcutaneous fat secretes bad hormones only about one-half to one-third of visceral fat. Therefore, visceral fat should be reduced preferentially over subcutaneous fat.

Skipping meals burns fat

Also, at the same time as restricting carbohydrates, skip breakfast and eat two meals a day. First of all, by restricting carbohydrates, you won't be hungry until noon, even if you skip breakfast, because of "fluctuations in blood sugar levels" because hunger does not occur.

And if you don't eat breakfast, your body fat will continue to burn from the previous day's dinner to the day's lunch, which is a great health benefit.

In the next series, I will excerpt part of the content from "Diet Techniques to Lose Visceral Fat" and explain in more detail the dangers of excess sugar and precautions for "eating training".

Walking and running to lose weight

You can expect to lose about 1 kg of weight by continuing daily running for 30 minutes. If you combine this with other exercise and diet restrictions, you can lose even more fat. The point is to do such aerobic exercise for 30 minutes or more. In exercise, the body first tries to move using the energy taken from food. However, fat burns more than carbs in exercise over 30 minutes. 

Lose weight with dietary restrictions

Reducing your calorie intake is very effective. The calorie intake should be less than 2300 kcal for men and less than 1650-1750 kcal for women. It will vary depending on your height and weight, but I think you can use it as a guide. These days, most foods have calories written on them, so let's get into the habit of eating in a planned manner!

 Be aware of your posture and lose weight

Daily posture is also important for belly slimming. Also, standing consumes more energy than sitting. At this time, I'm using more energy than I thought to keep a solid posture. As a point to be aware of, keep your chest tight and your stomach tight. It's easy to forget, so it's a good idea to make a note of it in your notebook to make it easier to remember.

Abdominal breathing to lose weight

Abdominal breathing can make it easier to lose weight.

The respiratory muscles become tighter and breathing itself becomes a movement.

In addition, moving the respiratory muscles such as the diaphragm through abdominal breathing stimulates the large intestine and promotes peristalsis, which leads to relief from constipation.

In addition, by making the parasympathetic nervous system dominant, it can be expected to reduce the stress accumulated by dieting and suppress appetite.

Enzyme diet to lose weight

Enzymes are essential for digestion and absorption.

By ingesting enzymes such as enzyme drinks, the energy ingested from meals is not accumulated as fat. It will be supported so that it can be used as energy.

Please try to take it with foods, supplements, and drinks that contain enzymes.



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